Scott Stegg
As Chief Operations Officer, Scott plays a vital role in fulfilling the unique Valiant Way in which our Family Office business model aligns with the wide variety of financial and lifestyle needs of our client community.
Scott’s Master’s in Business Administration and career expertise in operational efficiency, technology, data analytics, team development, and client services have helped him to shape Valiant Wealth into a world-class family office firm with the right people, structure, and systems.
Since joining Valiant Wealth in 2017, Scott has helped to modernize systems across the firm to improve service and performance. He directs all productivity activities throughout our home and satellite offices. His oversight includes investment philosophy and implementation, private equity assessment and portfolio administration, service team management, and operational compliance.
While running a smooth enterprise is his primary concern, Scott is always thinking about ways to strengthen yet simplify our internal systems so they, in turn, do the same for our clients. He takes time to interact with clients, advisors, and partner specialists to keep a finger on the pulse of business trends and how family life changes can impact their priorities. “My primary focus is for our Valiant Wealth team to provide an optimal client service experience,” he says, “with a continuing commitment to offering value creation and process transparency.”
As a father of three and a husband to Kristi, Scott strives to treat others the way he wishes to be treated. He is passionate about the development of people and their talents, and works diligently to create a culture where team members are motivated to serve and feel rewarded for their efforts.